Un Varon - Compétition Festival de Cannes - 2022 - Quinzaine des réalisateurs

Réalisation : Fabián Hernández
Casting :
Musique originale: Les Frères Kourtzer
Production exécutive: Fanny Lamothe pour Cercle Rouge productions
Carlos lives in a youth shelter in the center of Bogotá, a refuge meant to help mitigate the harshness of life. It’s Christmas and Carlos longs to spend the day with his family. As he leaves the shelter for the holidays, Carlos is confronted with the brutality of his neighborhood, ruled by the law of the strongest, the alpha male. Carlos must also prove he can be one of them, while deep inside him, these expressions of masculinity clash with the decisions he must make in order to survive.
Récompenses :
Festival de Cannes 2022 – Quinzaine des Réalisateurs